Beatrice, the Virgin Mary and Lucia
Day was now fading, and the dusky air
Released the creatures dwelling here on earth
From tiring tasks, while I, the only one,
Readied myself to endure the battle
5 Both of the journey and the pathos,
Which flawless memory shall here record.
O Muses, O high genius, aid me now!
O memory that noted what I saw,
Now shall your true nobility be seen!
10 I then began, "Poet, you guide me here:
Be on your guard lest my power fail me
Before you make me face that plunging pass.
"You tell us how the father of Silvius,
While in the flesh, to the eternal world
15 Journeyed, with all his senses still alert.
"But if the Enemy of every evil
Was kind to him, considering the high purpose
He performed, and who and what he was,
"This is not hard for us to understand,
20 Since in the highest heaven he was chosen
Father of honored Rome and of her empire.
"The two — city and empire — to tell the truth,
Were destined to become the holy place
Where the successor of mighty Peter sits.
25 "By this journey which you praise him for
He came to comprehend what was to bring
Triumph to him and mantle to the pope.
"Later the Chosen Vessel journeyed beyond
To bring back reassurance in the faith
30 Which is the source of the way to salvation.
"But I, why should I go? Who gives permission?
I am not Aeneas, nor am I Paul!
Not I nor anyone else would judge me worthy.
"So, if I surrender myself to going there,
35 I fear the undertaking shall prove folly.
You are wise, you see more than I say."
Just as the man who, unwilling what he wills,
Thinks back over each thing he proposes
And ends by giving up all he has started,
40 So I acted in that darkened place
As I undid, by thinking, the same task
I had so readily right away accepted.
"If I have grasped the meaning of your words,"
That soul of generosity responded,
45 "Your heart has been beset by cowardice
"Which often places burdens on a man
To turn him back from honorable deeds
Like some animal frightened by its shadow.
"Once and for all to rid you of that fear
50 I will tell you why I came and what I heard
From the first moment I felt sorry for you.
"I was among those spirits in suspense:
A lady called me, so beautiful and blessed
That I at once implored her to command me.
55 "Her eyes outshone the light of any star.
Sweetly and softly she began to speak
With the voice of an angel, in her own words:
" 'O courteous spirit from Mantua
Whose fame has lasted in the world till now
60 And shall endure as long as does the world,
" 'My friend, who is no longer fortune's friend,
On a wasted slope has been so thwarted
Along his path that he turns back in panic.
" 'I fear that he already is so lost
65 I have arisen too late to bring him aid —
At least from what I hear of him in heaven.
" 'Hasten now, and with your polished words
And all that is required for his rescue,
Help him, so that I can be consoled.
70 " 'I am Beatrice who urges you to journey,
Come from a place to which I long to return.
Love moved me to speak my heart to you.
" ' When I stand once more before my Lord,
I shall often sing your praises to him.'
75 With that she fell silent, and I ventured:
"O lady of virtue, through whom alone
The human race surpasses all contained
Within the heavens to the smallest sphere,
"Your command pleases me so thoroughly
80 That already to have done it would seem tardy:
Only let me know what it is you want.
"Tell me, however, why you are so bold
To descend as far as to this center
Out of the wide sky to which you would return?"
85 " 'Since you wish to know the inmost reason,
I will tell you directly,' she answered me,
' Why I do not dread to come down here.
" 'The only things we really need to fear
Are those that have the power to do harm:
90 Nothing else should cause us to be fearful.
" 'God in his mercy has so fashioned me
That I am not affected by your pain;
The fires burning here do me no hurt.
" 'There is a noble Lady who weeps in heaven
95 For this thwarted man to whom I send you,
So that heaven's strict decree is broken.
" 'That Lady called on Lucia with her request
And said: "Your faithful follower has now
Such need of you that I commend him to you."
100 " 'Lucia, the foe of every cruelty,
Started up and came to where I was,
Sitting at the side of the aged Rachel.
" 'She said, "Beatrice, true credit to our God,
Will you not help the man who so loves you
105 That for your sake he left the common crowd?
" ' "Do you not hear his pathetic grieving?
Do you not see the death besieging him
On the river which the ocean cannot sway?"
" 'No one in this whole world was ever quicker
110 To take advantage or escape from harm
Than I — when such words as these were spoken —
" 'To come below here from my blessed seat,
Putting my trust in your honest speech
Which honors you and those who listen to it.'
115 "After she had discussed these matters with me,
She turned her eyes, glittering with tears,
And so made me more diligent to come.
"And I did come to you, just as she wished:
I saved you from the fierce beast barring you
120 From the short route up the lovely mountain.
"So — what is this? Why? why do you stay?
Why entertain such cowardice of heart?
Why not be courageous and straightforward
"When there are three such blessed ladies
125 Caring for you in the court of heaven
And my words guarantee you so much good?"
As little flowers in the chill of night
Drooping and shriveled, when the sun lights them,
Straighten up all open on their stalks,
130 So I, with my limp stamina, now bloomed.
And such good warmth coursed boldly to my heart
That like a free man I once more began:
"O tender-hearted lady who came to aid me,
And you, too, so kind to obey swiftly
135 The words of truth that she proposed to you!
"You, by your words, have so filled my heart
With fervor to go with you on this journey
That I am turned again to my first purpose.
"Now go — one will within the both of us —
140 You the leader, you the lord and master!"
These things I said to him. When he moved on,
I entered on the rank and plunging path.