Venus, Charles Martel
Time was, the world, at its own risk, believed
That Venus, the beautiful Cyprian, whirling
In the third epicycle, rayed down love’s madness.
For this the folk of old in their old errors
5 Not only offered homage up to her
With sacrifices and with votive cries,
But also honored Cupid and Dione,
One as her son, the other as her mother,
And they claimed he had sat in Dido’s lap.
10 And so from her with whom I start this canto
They took the name of that star the sun woos,
Now at dawn’s nape and now at evening’s brow.
I had no sense of rising into it,
But I was sure of being there when I
15 Perceived my lady grown more beautiful.
And as we see a spark within a flame
Or as a voice sounds in a voice when one
Holds steady while the other comes and goes,
So I saw in that light those other lanterns
20 Revolving fast or slowly in a circle,
Depending, I think, on their inner vision.
Winds, whether visible or not, have never
Swept down from ice-cold clouds so swiftly that
They would not seem impeded or too slow
25 To one who had observed the heavenly lights
Speeding toward us, leaving behind the circling
Begun first by the lofty seraphim.
And from the midst of those appearing foremost
Hosanna sounded in such strains that I
30 Have always craved to hear it once again.
Then one came closer to us and, alone,
Began, "We all are ready here to do
Your pleasure, that you may rejoice in us.
"With one circle, one circling, and one thirst,
35 We here swirl round with the celestial princes
To whom you once, when in the world, had said,
" ‘You whose intellect moves the third heaven.’
We are so full of love that, if it please you,
A moment’s silence will be no less sweet."
40 After my eyes had reverently lifted
To my lady, and she had made them sure
And satisfied that she gave her consent,
They turned back to the light that promised such
Abundance, and in words stamped with profound
45 Affection I called out, "Tell me who you are!"
And how the light in size and splendor swelled
I saw through the new joy which now was added
To all its former joys when I said this.
So changed, it spoke, "The world held me below
50 But a brief time, and had it been prolonged
Much evil that shall be would not have happened.
"My joyousness, which beams round about me,
Keeps me concealed from you and holds me hidden
Just like a worm all wrapped up in its silk.
55 "You loved me much, and had good reason to,
For had I stayed down there, I would have shown
My love for you could yield more than mere leaves.
"The left bank of the land bathed by the Rhone,
Below where it has mingled with the Sorgue,
60 Expected me in time to be its lord,
"As did the corner of Ausonia, which
Bari, Gaeta, and Catona border,
From which the Tronto and Verde flow seaward.
"Upon my forehead there already glittered
65 The crown of that land which the Danube waters
Once it has left behind its German shores.
"And the fair Trinacria, which is blackened —
Between Pachynus and Pelorus, there on
The gulf that is most lashed by the east wind —
70 "Not by Typhoeus but by rising sulphur,
Would even now have looked to have its kings
Descended through me down from Charles and Rudolph,
"Had not bad governance, which ever cuts
The hearts of subject people to the quick,
75 Moved Palermo to shout out, ‘Die! Let them die!’
"And had my brother seen these things beforehand,
By now he’d shun the greedy poverty
Of Catalonia lest it bring him trouble.
"For it is really necessary that he
80 Or someone else provide, so that no load
Be further added to his laden ship.
"His nature — stingy offspring of a lavish
Forebear — would need a following of knights
Who have no care for filling up their coffers!"
85 "Since I believe that the deep-seated joy
Which now these words of yours pour into me
Is seen by you, my lord, just as I see it
"Where every good has its end and beginning,
It is most welcome, and I hold this dear,
90 That you discern it as you gaze on God.
"You’ve made me joyful — but explain to me,
Because in speaking you have raised this doubt,
How is it sweet seed can bear bitter fruit?"
So I asked him, and he told me, "If I can
95 Show you one truth, then you will hold your face
Toward what you ask as now you hold your back.
"The Good, which rotates and contents the whole
Kingdom that you climb, makes its providence
To be a power in these brilliant bodies;
100 "And in the Mind, which is itself perfection,
There is provision not only for these natures
But also, in them all, for their well-being;
"So that whatever flies off from this bow
Falls readily to its determined target,
105 Just like an arrow aimed right at the mark.
"Were this not so, the heavens where you walk
Would so bring into being their effects
That they would not be works of art but ruins.
"That cannot be, unless the intellects
110 That move these stars be lacking — lacking too
The First Intellect by making them imperfect.
"Would you have more light shed upon this truth?"
And I: "No — I see it is impossible
That nature tire of doing what is needed."
115 Then he once more: "Now say, should men not lead
A civic life on earth, would they be worse?"
"Yes," I replied, "and here I need no proof."
"And could they lead it, unless people down
Below live differently with different duties?
120 Not if what your master writes is true."
By close deduction he had reached this point;
Then he concluded, "The roots of what you do
Must, then, be variously sprung, so that
"This one is born Solon, that one Xerxes,
125 One is Melchizedek, and yet another
He who flew through the air and lost his son.
"Circling celestial nature sets its seal
On mortal wax, performing its art well,
But making no distinction between houses.
130 "So from the seed of birth, it happens, Esau
And Jacob differ, and Quirinus comes from
So base a father, he’s ascribed to Mars!
"Begotten nature would always take the path
Which its begetters followed, were it not
135 That divine providence rules otherwise.
"Now what was once behind you is before you:
But that you may know I rejoice in you,
I want to cloak you with this corollary.
"Forever Nature, should she find that fortune
140 Is out of tune with her, like any seed
Out of its climate, comes to a bad end.
"And if the world down there would pay attention
To the foundation Nature herself lays,
And built on that, then people would be better.
145 "But you force into the religious life
One born to bear a sword, and crown a king
Someone far more suited to preach sermons:
"That’s how your footprints ramble off the road!"