The Rein of Pride
Side by side, as oxen go in yoke,
I trod along with that weight-burdened soul,
As long as my kind teacher would permit it.
But when he spoke up, "Leave him and push on,
5 For each one here does well with sail and oars
To urge his boat ahead with all his might,"
I raised myself up straight as one should walk
With body erect, although my thoughts remained
Bowed down low and shrunken in themselves.
10 I did move on, and willingly I followed
The footsteps of my master, and both of us
Now showed how light we could be on our feet
When he told me, "Lower your eyes: you will
Do well, in making your way easier,
15 To see the bed of rock beneath your feet."
Just as the tombs in the church floor above
The buried dead, to keep their memory fresh,
Bear carvings figuring what they were in real life,
And at the sight men often weep for them
20 Because of the sharp spur of memory
Which pierces only those faithful to the dead:
So I saw there, but in a truer likeness
By grace of the artist’s skill, sculptured stone
On the whole path that juts out round the mountain.
25 I saw on one side him who was created
Nobler than any other creature, falling
Like a streak of lightning out of heaven.
I saw Briareus on the other side
Transfixed by the celestial thunderbolt,
30 Heavy on the ground in his last death-chills.
I saw Thymbraeus, I saw Mars and Pallas,
Still in armor, standing around their father,
Staring at the giants’ scattered limbs.
I saw Nimrod at the foot of his tower,
35 Looking bewildered, and people gaping there
Who were so proud to join with him in Shinar.
O Niobe, with what tear-laden eyes
I saw you represented on the road
Between seven sons and seven daughters slain!
40 O Saul, how you appeared there fallen dead
Upon your own sword on Mount Gilboa
Which never afterward felt rain or dew!
O mad Arachne, so I saw you turned
Half-spider already, in sadness on the shreds
45 Of the work you wove to your own undoing!
O Rehoboam, your image there seems now
Menacing no more, but a chariot wafts it
Away in panic with no one in pursuit!
Shown as well upon that pavement stone
50 Was Alcmaeon making his mother pay
The full dear price for her ill-fated necklace.
Shown were the sons of King Sennacherib
Felling him at prayers in the temple
And then leaving him there slain on the floor.
55 Shown was the downfall and the cruel killing
Tomyris enacted when she said to Cyrus,
"For blood you thirsted and with blood I sate you!"
Shown were the Assyrians in full rout,
After Holofernes had been murdered,
60 And also his remains amid the slaughter.
I saw Troy in ashes, caved-in ruins:
O Ilion, how cast down low were you
Shown by the carving there exposed to view!
What master artist of brush or pen was he
65 Who so sketched out the shapes and shadings there
That they would strike the subtlest minds with awe?
The dead looked dead, the living looked alive!
Those who had seen the real scenes saw no better
Than I did all I trod on while bent down!
70 Now be proud, and go with haughty looks,
Children of Eve, and do not bend your faces
To see the trail of sin you leave behind!
By now we’d rounded far more of the mountain
And much more of the sun’s course had run up
75 Than my restricted mind had reckoned on,
When he who always looked ahead as he went
On walking called anew, "Lift up your head!
You’ve no more time to go on lost in thought!
"Look! an angel over there makes ready
80 To come toward us. Look at the sixth handmaid
Return from her noon service to the day.
"Let reverence beam in your face and bearing
That he may now be glad to send us upward.
Remember, this day will not dawn again."
85 I was well used to his admonitions
Not to waste time, so nothing that he said
In that regard could be unclear to me.
The beautiful creature now came closer to us,
All clothed in white and looking radiant
90 Like a trembling star in the morning sky.
Opening his arms wide, he spread his wings,
Saying, "Come! the steps are here at hand
And from now on the climbing will be easy."
To this same invitation few come forward.
95 O human race, born to fly aloft,
Why do you fall at a mere puff of wind?
He led us where the rock had split wide open:
There he struck my forehead with his wings,
And then he promised me a safe, sure journey.
100 As on the right hand, on climbing on the hill
Where rises the church, above the Rubaconte,
Which dominates my so-well-governed city,
The bold rise of the escarpment is broken
By the stone stairway hewed out in time
105 When ledgers and staves were still trustworthy,
Just so, steps make easier the embankment
That falls steeply from the upper circle,
But on both sides the high rock squeezes close.
When we turned ourselves to that direction,
110 "Blessed are the poor in spirit" voices sang
More sweetly than words ever could describe.
Ah, how different these inroads are from those
Of hell! For here the entrance is with hymns
And there below with savage clamorings.
115 Now as we mounted up the sacred stairs,
I seemed to be ever so much lighter
Than I had been before on level ground:
So I asked, "Master, tell me, what great weight
Has just been lifted from me that I feel
120 Almost no fatigue as I walk on?"
He answered, "When the P’s that still remain
Upon your brow, although now nearly faded,
Are totally erased, as this one is,
"Your feet shall be so guided by goodwill
125 That not only will they never feel exhausted,
They even will rejoice to be urged uphill."
Then I did what persons do when strolling
Unaware of something on their head,
Until the signs of others make them guess it,
130 Their hand goes up to help find out for certain,
And gropes and discovers and performs
The duty that the eyes can’t carry through:
So with the outstretched fingers of my right hand
135 I found only six of the letter P’s
The angel of the keys traced on my temples,
And, watching this reaction, my guide smiled.